Tennis Elbow also known as Lateral epicondylitis is very common problem with people who are involved in heavy manual work, sports like tennis and recently in my clinical practice I have started seeing more tennis elbow with use of computer.
It is very difficult to say what causes the pain but above mentioned are few of the risk factors. It is a very fancy name, but it does give you pain around elbow and sometime radiates below the elbow to forearm and in some cases to your wrist; in most of the cases it does not produce tingling or numbness.
Common symptoms are:
Pain at or around elbow with activities like using screwdriver, holding coffee mug, turning door knob, playing tennis or badminton, using hammer, repetitive use of mouse or typing.
Sometimes it can produce pain at rest.
Question is: why do you have that tennis elbow pain?
Due to overuse or stress on muscles (wrist extensor muscle/tendon) get sprained/strained and have micro trauma which could produce local inflammation and pain.
Most of the time, you can diagnose tennis elbow pain without use of x ray or ultrasound.
Below are some tests you can use to diagnose tennis elbow pain: Cozen’s test or Mill’s test