As a Certified Mckenzie therapist, everyday I advise my patient to use Lumbar Roll specially now with pandemic and due to work from home order people are sitting for hours over the computers or other devices.

Why it is important to use it?
In my clinical opinion maintaining lumbar lordosis is very important when you are sitting, particularly for prolonged period of time and I find lumbar roll is easiest and cheapest way to achieve it. It does not replace frequent breaks from sitting position or the exercise but it is add on.

Why Mckenzie Lumbar Roll
Many times patients ask me why this? Can we use some other lumbar roll – I prefer Mckenzie lumbar roll over any other roll or back support because it is been used for more than 25 years and we have seen the consistent results with it. There are many rolls in the market but I do not trust them as much as I Trust Original Mckenzie Lumbar Roll
Is it important to include as a part of your therapy?
Yes, It is. Because when you provide the extension exercises patient is doing those exercises for couple minutes but Roll allow them to maintain the posture/lumbar lordosis for prolong period of time as well as not allowing patient to go in flexion which you want to avoid at the beginning of your plan of care.
How to use Original Mckenzie lumbar roll
If you are looking to buy one, you can purchase from Amazon. I have included the link with this article.