Shoulder tendonitis or rotator cuff tendonitis is a very common condition I treat and diagnose on a daily basis.

What is Rotator cuff Tendonitis:
It is inflammation of the one or more tendons of the muscle around the shoulder joint. Most common which I see in my practice is supraspinatus tendinitis or bicipital tendinitis.
What causes Tendonitis:
I have seen patients coming in with tendonitis with no apparent reason, or with repetitive use, heavy lifting, overhead manual work or sports which involves throwing, swimming or tennis.
What are the symptoms of Tendonitis:
- Pain at and around the shoulder joint which could radiate to the arm or in some cases forearm.
- Produces pain or increased pain with shoulder activities like – throwing, overhead, repetitive use, use of computer, lifting, pulling or pushing.
- Night pain – Rare.
- Numbness and tingling – Rare.
- Pain at rest – Rare.
How to prevent Tendonitis:
Easiest way to prevent any shoulder injuries are regular exercises.
How to diagnose:
- X-ray
- Ultrasound
How to Treat Shoulder Tendonitis:
In my practice what I have found most helpful is strengthening exercise as tolerated.
I usually start with Isometric shoulder exercises if the patient is in too much pain and progressing to theraband strengthening exercises.